Online Counseling, also called e-therapy, virtual therapy, and tele-therapy
The use of telemental health, psychotherapy sessions done via the use of the internet or phone is often seen as a newer form of therapy than “in office psychotherapy”. Due to advances in technology you as a patient have a choice of accessing psychotherapy through tele-therapy or coming into the office for sessions. Telemental health allows access to expert care from a distance. APA Psyc Net (2012) found in a study they conducted in 2012 as to the effectiveness of telemental health that there was evidence of success with the use of TMH (telemental health) in areas of child psychiatry, depression, schizophrenia, suicide prevention, posttraumatic stress, panic disorders, substance abuse, eating disorders, and smoking prevention. In their study of TMH they found evidence of success in general was encouraging. Some use TMH in conjunction with in office sessions. Because telemental health is a fairly new form of psychotherapy, below is a description of what we are providing at Lifepath through the use of tele-therapy.
The benefits of TMH:
- Increases access to care.
- Reduces travel time and cost.
- Improves satisfaction with health care services.
- Reduces delays in care.
- Enables continuing and continuity of care.
- Re-conceptualizes the delivery of care.
- Opportunity to access therapy from the comfort of your home or office.
If you are wanting more information or are wanting to begin counseling please feel free to go to the Contact and Scheduling page on this website. You are also welcome to call me at 818-591-8669 with any questions you may have or to schedule to an appointment.